
What does success look like in the Kingdom of God?

by | Feb 15, 2019 | Faith and Work, Resources, Videos

As Christians we often struggle to know what it looks like to be successful in life. Is it even okay to have those aspirations? Over the years we’ve seen the Gospel used to prop up success in harmful ways that scare us away from pursuing it. But what does it look like to be successful within the Kingdom of God?

Listen as Erik Cooper, President of The Stone Table, discusses insights on achieving wealth and respect that he’s been learning from our good friends at OneHope.


Darren Cooper

After spending years on the creative staffs at multiple churches and even starting a business of his own, Darren joined The Stone Table team to help in all things creative. He is also a producer and composer and loves to speak through the medium of music. Find out more at darrencoopermusic.com.

The Stone Table Exists to Mobilize Marketplace Believers for The Great Commission.