

Leveraging Business for Global Missions

Engage With Us

Missions has been the heart of The Stone Table from the beginning. Jesus commanded us to make disciples of all nations, yet today there remains over 6,000 people groups with no accurate witness of the Gospel. Many have never even heard the name of Jesus, and reaching them will require new and creative ways of thinking.

The reliance on charitable giving alone is leaving a gap, but strategic business development has the potential to create an ongoing financial engine for missions work. Beyond funding alone, the businesses themselves can actually become part of the Gospel’s redeeming mission in the world.


While not all are called to live cross-culturally, all are called to global missions. We can help you and your business connect with strategic opportunities to globally advance the gospel.


We are passionate about partnering with churches to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. We have a proven strategy to leverage our missions dollars and expertise to help churches raise more money for missions.


We focus on partnering with missionaries in areas where the Gospel is not currently accessible. We have a heart for unreached people groups and walking side by side with BAM missionaries.

Working with The Stone Table has broadened our vision for missions and greatly increased our impact for the kingdom both financially and strategically.

Adam Detamorer

Lead Pastor, Realife Church

Our Projects

Here’s a quick look at some of our projects.

Mali Waramajanna Project

The Stone Table invested in the startup of this multi-faceted platform to reach the Malinkés, the main tribe in the southwestern part of Mali. This unreached people group is predominantly Muslim, but the agriculture training programs and School of Hope are meeting a desperate need of the community and opening the door to incredible opportunity. The business and educational relationships are winning many to Christ and leading to the establishment of the church in an area completely devoid of the Gospel.

Year Completed: 2017 Partners: LiveDead

China Adventure Tourism Business as Mission Project

The Stone Table underwrote the initial startup costs for Adventure Nomads, a business as mission endeavor aimed at the ministry to Tibetans, one of the most unreached people groups in China. Adventure Nomads is an adventure tourism business that is strategically located in the foothills of the Himalaya Mountains. The business will operate in direct connection with Tibetans with the object of bringing them to Christ and establishing communities of faith. Those who are the intended evangelism targets are: nomadic Tibetans, yak herders, outfitters, rural Tibetan villagers, and Tibetan tour guides. Year Completed: 2017 Partners: Apostolos

North African Ministry Base

This facility in the heart of Islamic North Africa (which must remain unnamed because of safety concerns) was funded in partnership between The Stone Table and 6 Indiana churches. The main building acts as an NGO and base for unfolding ministry to the unreached people groups across this strategic Muslim-controlled region. Its features include lodging and dormitories, office space, audio and video studios, and rentable business development space. The headquarters also enables the generation of business income as well as employment for many local believers who have difficulty finding employment once their decision to follow Christ is made public. Year Completed: 2017 Partners: LiveDead

Medical Facility and School for Somali Refugees, East Africa

This medical facility and English school reaches a densely populated area of Somali refugees in East Africa that cannot be mentioned due to safety concerns. These two businesses are utilizing the LiveDead model to help plant the church amongst one of the most difficult to reach people groups in the world. Year Completed: 2017 Partners: LiveDead

East African Education Initiative

Eastern Africa is where the tectonic plates of Islam and Christianity collide, and education is a key beachhead. The U.N. is proposing secular solutions, and Islam is already raising their hands to step into this education crisis. The church of Jesus Christ is poised and ready to respond, but they need a scalable model. Through our partners at OneHope, we stepped outside our normal investment model to underwrite a vital educational research initiative. This research has yielded some powerful new models that are currently being implemented by Watoto Church in Uganda and International Christian Center in Kenya to establish quality, financially viable K-12 schools that will generate transformational Christian leaders to change the culture and expand God’s Kingdom. Year Completed: 2017 Partners: OneHope

Omani Adventure Tourism Company

Our partners at LiveDead are always looking for strategic business models that fit the needs of the communities where they are working. Tourism is big business on the Omani-Yemeni border, so we are underwriting the launch of a tourism company aimed at reaching local Omanis, vacationing Arabs, and Yemeni refugees. This business will act as a beautiful church planting base for work across the Arabian Peninsula.

Year Completed: 2017 Partners: LiveDead

Cuba Power & Joy Church and Farm

The Power & Joy Farm is a sustainable farming business that underwrites the ministry work of the church. It makes a tangible impact on the community, underwrites pastoral and ministry costs, and provides a platform for preaching the Gospel. These funds will provide a horse and carriage, bicycles, a second-floor bedroom for the pastor’s house, two electric motor scooters, office furniture and supplies, and five small houses for the farm workers. Year Completed: 2016 Partners: Assemblies of God World Missions

Djibouti Business as Mission Church Planting Project

This small project in partnership with LiveDead Africa targets church planting amongst the Somali community. The model utilizes two missional business approaches – farmer training and ESL teacher “brokering” – both which are providing a vital platform as well as sustainable relationships for church planting amongst this unreached people group. Year Completed: 2016 Partners: LiveDead

English and Arabic Language Academy

We were honored to underwrite the start-up costs for a new English and Arabic language academy amongst an unreached people group in a very sensitive area of the world we cannot mention publicly. Much like our other school models, this business will meet a major market need in the community while simultaneously providing the relational connections to begin church planting initiatives in a place the church cannot overtly go. Year Completed: 2016 Partners: LiveDead

Alexandria, Egypt CrossFit Gym

The CrossFit craze is becoming a global phenomenon and LiveDead sees it as a powerful new opportunity for their business as mission initiatives. We’re excited to partner with them on this self-sustaining and profitable new model which will work to plant the underground church in an area of the world we cannot start traditional churches. Year Completed: 2016 Partners: LiveDead