
Tell Us a Story About Life Change Happening Among Unreached People Groups

by | Feb 1, 2019 | Missions, Resources, Videos

We love hearing stories of life change happening around the world among unreached people groups. This week we sat down with one of our good friends, Dick Brogden, and asked him share with us an amazing story from Libya.

Reaching unreached people groups is hard work, but it’s stories like this that gives us hope and courage to keep pushing forward. Join us in praying for the thousands of unreached people groups all over the world.

Darren Cooper

After spending years on the creative staffs at multiple churches and even starting a business of his own, Darren joined The Stone Table team to help in all things creative. He is also a producer and composer and loves to speak through the medium of music. Find out more at darrencoopermusic.com.

The Stone Table Exists to Mobilize Marketplace Believers for The Great Commission.