
How Is The Marketplace Acting As A Conduit For The Gospel?

by | Dec 13, 2019 | Faith and Work, Resources, Videos

This week we sat down with Ryan Crozier of Agency Boon and Good Bureau to discuss how the marketplace is acting as a conduit for the Gospel around the world.

We love his analogy of how God has used business in his life to make him more like Christ. Great insight from Ryan so be sure and check it out and if you want “to do good work online” check out Agency Boon today!!

Darren Cooper

After spending years on the creative staffs at multiple churches and even starting a business of his own, Darren joined The Stone Table team to help in all things creative. He is also a producer and composer and loves to speak through the medium of music. Find out more at darrencoopermusic.com.

The Stone Table Exists to Mobilize Marketplace Believers for The Great Commission.