As I look back at old photos, I realize the true value in life lies in the relationships we cherish. Take a moment to appreciate the people who have made a difference in your life. “You know, when I take time to contemplate the most valuable things that I...
Are you tired of feeling like you have to do it all on your own? Learn how dependence on God can lead to true strength and success. “If you’re like me, you probably hate that feeling of being in over your head. You know, in whatever sphere of life—...
“Hey leaders, let’s deal with our insecurities. Marketplace skills are missionary skills; we all deal with insecurities—all of us. Those nagging little voices that whisper, “You’re not enough”—this, of course, is completely true. On our...
“I want to introduce you to my friend, Brian Wheeler. Outside of Christ, my life doesn’t make much sense. Can anyone else relate to that? They don’t go together, except for inside of Christ, they make total sense. Brian is a serial entrepreneur who...
Discover how your everyday job can be a powerful opportunity to love and serve others in this thought-provoking episode. Explore the idea that our greatest contribution to the world is not just the work we do, but the people we love. Learn how to reimagine your day...