As I began to think about Holy Week, I remembered these words I wrote nine years ago from a hospital bed on Easter morning. I hope it encourages you. Momentary affliction is our current reality, but resurrection is our eternal promise. And resurrection dawns in the...
If there is a mantra of the modern world, it’s “be true to yourself.” It’s the spoken and unspoken worldview that drives so much of our culture today. It can even infect how we follow Jesus, embracing faith as a self-help strategy to live our...
In the 1987 cult classic The Princess Bride, Vizzini, the Sicilian mastermind, is constantly outmatched by heroic Wesley. Every time his new scheme is thwarted, he looks at his hired henchman and declares with a lisp, “inconceivable!” This happens again and again as...
If you’ve heard me talk about the gospel and the marketplace, you’ve probably heard about my definitive psychological disorder: Brumotactillophobia. These 19 letters spell out one of my greatest fears – the fear of food touching on my plate. I can’t...
My wife and I are less than a year away from an empty nest. We’ve known it was coming, but as every “last” crosses our calendar – last parent/teacher night, last high school football game, last school musical, last spirit week – there is a...