The missional marketplace at your church
The missional marketplace seminar
Is there any eternal value to your day job?
Is it possible to find gospel meaning in your “secular” career?
If you really love Jesus, shouldn’t you quit your job and go into full-time ministry?
How does your everyday work have anything to do with God’s mission in the world?
As a Christian in the marketplace, you may have wrestled with one or all of these questions. But from high paid executives to minimum-wage employees, more Christians are becoming overwhelmingly filled with renewed purpose as they realize their work has a role in God’s kingdom plan.
Become a Church Host
If you are a church partner and are interested in hosting an incubator at your church, please reach out to us directly or fill out the form at the link below.
Our areas of focus
Missions Investment
We strategically partner with global mission initiatives that focus on taking the Gospel to unreached places. Let us connect you where you can make an impact for the Kingdom.
We are building a network of marketplace Christian subject matter experts to assist Business as Mission (BAM) missionaries with their efforts around the world.
Resources & Community
Our growing online community engages in biblical discussions on faith, work, and missions from marketplace leaders, pastors, and missionaries as well as our catalog of blogs, articles & podcasts.
We are passionate about the sacred design of everyday work. This is a vital message for every believer. Join us for one of our events to find how to integrate your faith with your work.
What Drives Us
Jesus commanded his followers to go and make disciples of all nations
42% of the global population has little to no access to the Gospel
The marketplace is uniquely designed to proclaim the Gospel in word and deed
The Gospel redeems all things including the work of our hands