In Missional Marketplace, author Erik Cooper offers his perspective through personal stories and reflections on the sacredness of all work, framing the faith and work discussion through the lenses of The Great Story, The Great Commandment, and The Great Commission.
This book will create a gospel collision between your faith, your work, and the global mission of God in this world.
If you really loved Jesus, wouldn’t you quit your day job and go into full-time ministry?
Ever feel like your job has no eternal value?
Wonder how your everyday work has anything to do with God’s global mission?
If you’ve ever asked yourself these kinds of questions, then this book is for you. Many marketplace Christians have wrestled with these questions in their lives and in their work. But from entrepreneurs to assembly line workers, from high-paid execs to minimum-wage hospitality staff, more Christians are becoming overwhelmingly filled with renewed purpose as they realize that their work has a role in God’s kingdom plan.
I actually highlighted several parts of this book in my kindle (which I never do). Well written with a fresh perspective on missions that makes so much sense. I included this with part of my devotional time. 5-star!
The author addresses something that has been, for the most part, ignored for years, work. Yet our work is so much of our lives. The book is engaging and practical.
If you’re trying to seek out direction around how to live out your faith within your workplace, this is a great place to start!
If you have ever struggled to find meaning and purpose in your work then you need to read this book today. It gives real-life and down-to-earth examples to help bring a fresh perspective to your everyday work. Great read!
Clearly Cooper has studied the Biblical view of the marketplace for decades, and he’s lived it. His common sense approach makes the book an easy read, but be prepared, you’ll want to read it again!
Erik Cooper does a great job highlighting how God is working in our midst. For too long we’ve believed the lie of “secular” vs. “sacred” work. This book will surely inspire and challenge you to see true mission in your daily work.