Work and Rest 

Work and Rest 

I love how the Bible is so connected to itself. How themes & thoughts from the Old Testament are reflected, repeated, and taught in the New Testament.  I was reading today in worship, going through some Psalms to bring the Lord praise, and then followed that up by...
Weekly Newsletter: Doing Good is Not Enough

Weekly Newsletter: Doing Good is Not Enough

Let me say something that might be a bit controversial in the 21st Century West where even some believers have begun to question the moral merits of evangelism: The Great Commission does not say “Go and do good things among all nations.” As a huge proponent of faith...
The Dignity the Imago Dei Demands

The Dignity the Imago Dei Demands

Fundraising. It’s an unavoidable aspect of missionary life. Some are stars at it, others hobble through as best they can, but all fundraising missionaries have one thing in common – they need good stories.   When I was small, my dad pastored a small Assemblies...